James Marchiori


James Marchiori

James Marchiori

Crime Fiction, Historical Mystery, Suspense, Supernatural Suspense, Horror, Poetry

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    Jul 2018

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James wrote his first verses at nine years old after reading Edgar Allan Poe's tales and poems in the secret of his room. He's been collecting various literary awards across Italy and Europe and was awarded at the European Parliament in Brussels for one of his poems. From screenwriting to poetry, from a new novel to a brand new project in writing, he's involved in various activities always driven by his deep knowledge of occultism and esoterism. A world to which he was introduced very early in life under the guide of members of the most prestigious Orders and later pursued his studies as a personal development in occult sciences and practices, becoming an independent scholar himself of the Western Mystery Tradition and the Eastern Mysticism. He travels extensively around the world from New York and Los Angeles to London and Dublin just to name a few. His novel celebrating Edgar Allan Poe and Gothic fiction is on sale worldwide and got him a nomination for the 'Saturday Visiter Awards' powered by the Poe Baltimore Association. Bohemia incarnate, a soul devoted to surrealism and poetry.


To My Beloved Heart, The Last Journey Of Edgar Allan Poe

James Marchiori Books

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